Friday, May 15, 2009

Zamzam Well(God's gift to mankind)

Zamzam Well
The Well of Zamzam is located in Mecca, near the Kaaba, the holiest place in Islam.

History of the Zamzam Well
Muslims believe that the well was revealed to Hagar, wife of Abraham by God when she was desperately seeking water for her baby, Ishmael. Mecca is located in a hot dry valley with few other sources of water. Muslim traditions say that Hagar ran seven times back and forth in the scorching heat between the two hills of Safa and Marwa, looking for water. On finding the spring, Hagar confined the pool of water with sand and stones. The name Zamzam is said to be derived from the phrase "zomë-zomë", meaning "stop flowing", a phrase repeated by Hagar as she tried to wall the spring. Like Hagar, pilgrims run between the hills of Safa and Marwa seven times up till today.

The grandfather of the Islamic prophet Muhammad, Abdul Muttalib, is said to have rediscovered the well after it had been neglected and had filled with sand. He became the guardian of the well, charged with maintaining it and serving the Arabs who came to Mecca on pilgrimage (as was done even in pre-Islamic times).

Zamzam Well - Zamzam today

Many Muslims believe that the water of the Zamzam well is divinely blessed (they say that it can satisfy both hunger and thirst, and cure illness) and make every effort to drink of this water during their pilgrimage. The water is served to the public through coolers stationed throughout the Masjid al Haram in Mecca and the Masjid al Nabawi in Medina. Pilgrims also fill water canisters from special taps, to take home as gifts for relatives and friends.

There have been some attempts to scientifically validate Muslim beliefs regarding the special nature of Zamzam water. The water is said to contain high levels of some minerals: calcium, magnesium, and fluoride.

Zamzam water: the power drink

One of the miracles of Zamzam water is its ability to satisfy both thirst and hunger. One of the Companions of the Prophet said that before Islam, the water was called "Shabbaa'ah" or satisfying. It was filling and helped them nourish their families.

After Islam, this powerful ability to quench thirst and fill stomachs remained. The Prophet said: "The best water on the face of the earth is the water of Zamzam; it is a kind of food and a healing from sickness."

According to the Muslim collection of Hadith, Abu Dharr Ghifari, a Companion, noted that when he first arrived in Makkah during the early days of Islam, he survived only on Zamzam water for a whole month. Not only did he satisfy his hunger and thirst, he became obese.

More recently, in the last few decades, scientists have collected samples of Zamzam water and they have found certain peculiarities that make the water healthier, like a higher level of calcium.

Zamzam water: a cure for sickness
Apart from its ability to serve as satisfying food and drink, Zamzam water's health benefits are also commended. The Prophet (PBUH) said it was a healing from sickness. This is why pilgrims to Makkah to this day collect it in bottles to bring for relatives and friends back home who are ill.

The Prophet (PBUH) used to carry Zamzam water in pitchers and water skins back to Madinah. He used to sprinkle it over the sick and make them drink it.

Wahab Ibn Munabbah, who was from the second generation of Muslims, said 'I swear by Him in whose possession my life is, Allah Ta`ala will relieve the person of all illnesses who drinks Zamzam to his fill and will also grant him good health.'

Zamzam water and Hajj

During Hajj and Umra, pilgrims are recommended to drink Zamzam water to their fill to quench their thirst. They also continue the tradition of bringing it back for family and friends.

For example, despite tight US laws forbidding the import of foreign liquids and fruits, there is an exception made for pilgrims returning from Makkah, who bring water of the Zamzam home for loved ones.

Summary of some features of Zamzam water.
  • This well has never dried up. On the contrary it has always fulfilled the demand for water. It has always maintained the same salt composition and taste ever since it came into existence. Its potability has always been universally recognised as pilgrims from all over the world visit Ka'aba every year for Hajj and umrah, but have never complained about it. Instead, they have always enjoyed the water that refreshes them.
  • It's source has never been found, hence the 'divine component'.
  • Zamzam water's appeal has always been universal. This water has never been chemically treated or chlorinated as is the case with water pumped into the cities.
  • In Zamzam well water, there wasn't any sign of biological growth. Unlike in most wells, where biological growth and vegetation are seen,making the water unpalatable.
  • The is a slightly higher concentration of calcium and magnesium salts in Zamzam water when compared to other city water. This may be why this water refreshes tired Hajis, but more significantly, the water contained fluorides that have an effective germicidal action.

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