Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Natural Water from source

Water found in its natural environment, whether from a spring, rock, well, stream or from a mountain, has some kind of energy in it,so it is said to be ALIVE. When that water is examined under a microscope, it is discovered to have a definitive shape,which shows the bonding, more like a hexagonal shape . An example of such water is the Zam zam water of Mecca, Lourdes water of France amongst others.

Unfortunately, in developed countries, most water supply is from tap water that has undergone a lot of activities like pumping through pipes which adds a lot of electrostatic energy from the spinning of the pump, also the water has been pretreated with chlorine and all these KILL the water, so the water we drink is actually DEAD WATER.

All water contains certain percentage of hexagonal units, depending on some factors. These factors which include chlorine,fluoride and other pollutants found in town water sources reduce the number of hexagonal units. Tap water usually have a very low percentage of hexagonal structure, while 'healing spring waters' found in some places have a high concentration of hexagonal structures.

Hexagonal water is fluid crystalline water. It is able to carry signals and transfer information with greater efficiency because its highly organized i.e structured. This property gives it a higher energy state which could be key to rapid hydration,enhanced energy levels,protein and DNA stability and the enhancement of numerous metabolic function.

According to Dr.Mu Shik Jhon,in his book titled The Water Puzzle,he said that hexagonal water is the water of life. All biological organisms prefer it and they respond with enhancement of growth,metabolic efficiency and enzyme activation. while loss of the hexagonal water from our body leads to disease,aging and lack of vitality.

The ideas collected in his book is scientific documentation collected over 40years and presented in simple terms.

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