Sunday, August 30, 2009


The first of many groundbreaking innovations from the Bernhard H. Mayer® Energy Series, the Force Watch combines function, design and wellness benefits all in one unique timepiece. The Force Watch has a built-in energy crystal that possesses positive energy wave forms proven to improve and harmonise energy levels. The energy crystal helps your body return to its most natural and interference-free state therefore improving overall well-being.

Why Should I Wear the Force Watch?
  • For better concentration
  • For higher performance
  • For calmness and balance

Wellness Benefits:
  • Enhances the energy and harmony levels of the body
  • Improves the body's system functionality
  • Strengthens the body's resistance to stress
To Order, Click Here
Referral Id HZ 195130

For more info about how to order, Go to How To Order


Straw Tube
It has a positive energy field that can be transfered to liquids.Simply put your straw through the straw tube before you drink and you are good to go.

Key Benefits
  • Instantly revitalise and improve the taste of your beverages.
  • Feel refreshed and recharged. Treated beverages become more hydratious and improve the user's harmony and energy levels.
  • Light and easy to carry.
Suggested Applications
  • Put a straw through the Amezcua Straw Tube and hold it with your fingers. The beverages passing through the straw will be instantly energised.
To Order, Click Here
Referral Id Hz195130
Faith Alaya

For more info on ordering, go to How to Order


It provides you withhydratious energy enhanced water. It is manufactured from pure Aluminium and produces the same positive energy as the Bio Disc.

Key Benefits:
  • Start and end each day feeling refreshed and harmonized.
  • Improve the quality and effectiveness of your laundry and dishwashing while using less detergent which is environmentally friendly and economical.

Suggested Applications
  • Specifically designed for use with a domestic shower, simply fix the Amezcua Shower Shell to any shower hose or bath tap pipe (up to 15 mm in diameter) with the provided screws and Allen key.
  • Install the Amezcua Shower Shell to your kitchen water pipe or to your water fountain to enhance your domestic drinking water.
  • Fit the Amezcua Shower Shell to the supply pipe or hose of your washing machine or dishwasher to instantly boost your washing water.
  • Attach the Amezcua Shower Shell to your garden hose to energise water for your plants and flowers.
To order, Click Here
Referral Id HZ195130
Faith Alaya

To get more info about how to order, Go to How To order


What is Pewter Bio Disc?
It is an energy product too only manufactured with stainless pewter.
It has the advantage of being unbreakable, thin and light hence can be carried about easily or used as a table ornament. However its uses are limited.

Key Benefits
  • Feel refreshed and rejuvenated.
  • Drink water treated with the Amezcua Pewter Bio Disc to increase your harmony and energy levels.
  • Enhances the taste of your food and beverages.
  • Increases the shelf life of your groceries.
Suggested Applications
  • Energise your food and beverages by placing them on top of the Amezcua Pewter Bio Disc.
  • Put the Amezcua Pewter Bio Disc in your refrigerator to enhance your food and beverages and improve their taste.
  • Wash groceries with water treated with the Amezcua Pewter Bio Disc to boost their flavours and energy levels.
  • Place your containers of creams and cosmetics on top of the Amezcua Pewter Bio Disc to energise them and improve absorption.
  • Water your plants with water treated with the Amezcua Pewter Bio Disc.
  • Carry the Amezcua Bio Disc with you to harmonise and improve your energy levels.
Care Instructions
  • Do not soak the Amezcua Pewter Bio Disc in water and do not run water over the disc.
  • Do not scratch the surface of the Pewter Bio Disc
To order, Click Here
Referral Id HZ195130
Faith Alaya

For more Info,go to How To Order


1. What is the Chi Energy Pendant?
The Chi Energy Pendant produces frequency which Prognos tests show can lead to an increase in energy levels. The Chi Energy Pendant is designed to help and enhance strength, stamina and endurance as well as being a mental stimulus.

2. How does it work?
The frequency generated can stimulate the brain’s functionality while awake and reduces the effects of ESmog. Kinesiology tests are shown to be positive when the Chi Energy Pendant is worn.

3. How does the Chi Energy Pendant transfer energy to water?
Nano Transfer energy creates a “wave of pulsing frequency”. When the pendant is spun around the outside of a glass of water, the frequency (Alpha rhythm) is transferred through the pulsing action into the waterThe energized effects last for just 2 hrs.. However, the main use of the Chi Pendant is not its ability to create energised water, but to enhance the energy effects of the brain's functionality and to reduce the effects of E-Smog.


4. Is there an expiry date?
No known data exists as there are no moving parts. The original samples show no sign of reduced energy or frequency since the date of manufacture.

5. What is a frequency?
All known living things are governed by a ‘frequency’. This frequency can be affected positively or negatively by certain other vibrational frequencies such as electro magnetic fields which are negative to the body. e.g. mobile phones, computer screens and even air flight (jet lag). The positive frequency of the Chi Energy Pendant reduces the effects of negative electro magnetic fields.

6. How far can the energy be transferred?
Over a 500 mm circumference. The Chi Pendant should be worn to hang on the chest area. This is why QuestNet does not supply a chain with the pendant as the length from the neck to the chest area differs from person to person.

7. Can I use it to improve sleep? How should I do it?
No. The pendant stimulates strength, stamina and endurance so should not be worn during sleep. The pendent should also not be worn by females during menstruation as the female hormones are over energised by the pendant at this time.

8. How does the Chi Energy Pendant prevent Jetlag?
It reduces the effects of E-Smog on the body by constantly producing the correct frequency for strength which overcomes the negative effects of the build-up of electro smog in the aircraft cabin.

9. What other benefits does the Chi Energy Pendant have?
Endurance and mental stimulus can increase the brain’s ability to cope with long hours of work. Long Distance runners, boxers and others who require strength and stamina can really benefit from this. Students using the pendant during school exams can have heightened memory abilities.

10. Does it have any side effects?
The energy produced which is called 'Scalar Energy' is a natural form of healing energy which has been in existence for many years but whose application has been recently discovered.

To order, Click Here
Referral Id HZ195130
Faith Alaya

To get more info about how to order, go to HowTo Order.


When you wear a Chi energy pendant, you'll discover the following;

  • It can help to strengthen your resilience and resistance to the effects of stress.
  • It can increase your mental cognition and performance, especially under pressure.
  • It may strengthen your capacity to function in electro magnetic field environments as it blocks the negative effects of E smog.
  • It can enhance your energy levels.
  • It improves your harmony.
  • It can help overcome exhaustion and improve concentration.
  • Athletes claim that the Chi Energy Pendant can improve stamina and endurance to give them a competitive edge.

As the stresses of modern life increase, the Chi Energy Pendant is an essential tool for those people who value performance and optimal well-being .

To order, Click Here
Referral Id HZ195130

For more information on how to order, Go to How To Order


It is an advanced, mineral based disc made from high temperature nano engineered glass that has positive energy field.

To combat depleted energy levels without adding to the
already busy schedule of your day, the Amezcua Chi Pendent is a way to provide continuous protection from the effects of a busy and stressful world, a way to recharge
your batteries, and importantly, a way to allow you to get on with life with a bounce in your step.

  1. Allah Chi Pendant
The Allah Chi Pendant features a sterling silver bezel beautifully designed with Allah's name in
Arabic calligraphy. The pendant encases technically engineered natural minerals which have
been structurally bonded in glass at a molecular level, using high heat fusion methods. This combination of minerals and fusion techniques creates a unique and positive energy field on the pendant that makes it a true work of art combining modern elegance with unique wellness benefits.

2.Cross Chi Pendant

Displaying the significant Christian symbol in a graceful piece of jewellery,

the Cross Chi Pendant features a cross bezel exquisitely crafted in sterling silver. The pendant encases technically engineered natural minerals which have been structurally bonded in glass at a molecular level, using high heat fusion methods. It is a true work of art combining modern elegance with unique wellness benefits.

3.Om Chi Pendant

The Bernhard H. Mayer® Om Chi Pendant features the remarkable 'Om' symbol beautifully
crafted in sterling silver, capturing the principle philosophy and mythology of Hinduism. The pendant encases technically engineered natural minerals which have been structurally bonded in glass at a molecular level, using high heat fusion methods. It is a true work of art combining modern elegance with unique wellness benefits.

Suggested Applications
Wear the Chi Pendant around your neck. Adjust the cord length so that the pendant hangs at the position of your sternum.

Note: The usage of Chi Pendant is not recommended for children under 9-years old , pregnant women and women in their menstrual cycle. Should you experience any discomfort, immediately refrain from using the Chi Pendant.

To Order, Click Here
Referral Id Hz195130
Faith Alaya

For more info about ordering, go to How to Order

Tuesday, August 25, 2009


General & Household Tips
Listed are some General & Household tips of using the BioDisc that we have experienced or encountered. Try them for yourself.

Demo Tips
Cuts: If you experienced cuts to your body, spray energised BioDisc water on affected part. The bleeding is known to stop easily and help heal the cut sometimes without a scar.

Stiff Neck / Joint Pains: This is where the BioDisc excel. At least to most of us. About 6"
the affected area, rotate the BioDisc in a circular anti-clockwise direction for 20~30 minutes. It is known to relief pain.A much better and quicker effect
can be obtained if the light from a torchlight (turning counter clockwise) is shined through the BioDisc onto the
affected part.

Crunchy Bean Sprout :Soak your bean
sprout in BioDisc energised water in a container before being cooked for a couple of hours. When
cooked, the bean sprout will retain it's crunchiness even if it's fried cooked.

Cooking Rice :Wash and cook your rice with BioDisc energised water. You'll find that the rice
will last longer and usually not turn bad overnight.

Bread: Similar effect to the rice, spray energised BioDisc water onto the plastic wrapping of the bread. The bread will last longer even if the energised water is sprayed onto the plastic wrapping
and not onto the bread directly.

Stay Sharp: Place your razors on the BioDisc after use. You'll find that your razor stays sharp

Better Petrol Consumption: Hold the BioDisc next to the petrol nozzle. Squeeze the
nozzle gently so that the petrol is filled slowly.
Thereafter note the mileage you'll get! Or energize the fuel to be poured into your generator and note the duration it lasts.

Keeping Food Fresh: Keeping your vegetables, fruits, milk and juices in the refrigerator fresh is a simple matter. Just place the BioDisc in the refrigerator overnight and the food articles remains fresher longer.

Stains On Clothings: Hurry or clumsy during meals? You got stains on your clothings. Remove the stains by simply spraying BioDisc energised water onto it and see the curry or sauce stain washes away.

Lactose Intolerance: Your stomach doesn't agree with milk? No worries. Pour your milk over the BioDisc and drink it.

To order, Click here
Referral Id HZ195130

Go to How to order to learn how